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More infoSalad to go with every meal
Tasty addition for baguettes, tortillas, crepes or muffins
Kimchi is a fermented, probiotic, spicy salad prepared from pickled and fermented vegetables. It is a Korean national delicacy that Koreans have been consuming for more than 2000 years, most often with rice. According to Health magazine Kimchi belongs among the 10 world's healthiest meals.
Kimchi contains Lactobacillus probiotics with at least 10⁷ CFU/g.
With ginger for supporting normal digestion.
With garlic for immunity and normal heart function.
Low energy value – a great companion for dieting.
Made from fresh vegetables, without added preservatives, colorings, or sugar.
The most popular of our fermented products due to its refined taste.
We try to buy ingredients locally according to the harvest. All the vegetables are cleaned and sliced by hand and we inspect them personally to remove any impurities.